Available Programs
Lung Health program
The Alliston FHT Lung Health program focuses on educating asthma and/or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients and their caregivers.
We offer a wide variety of services with the goal of empowering patients and caregivers and improving quality of life. The Lung Health program includes:
- Spirometry (breathing tests) for diagnosing and assessing lung function
- Initiation and education on medications and inhalers
- Self-management through customized COPD and asthma action plans
- Referral to the Smoking Cessation program
- Referral to our Nordic Pole Walking program designed to help strengthen lung health through group exercise
Together, we work closely with primary health care providers to help patients achieve and sustain their goals.
Smoking Cessation program
The Alliston FHT Smoking Cessation program provides a comprehensive approach to assisting patients to quit smoking when they are ready.
The program includes support for those who are ready to quit and those who are thinking about making a small change.
In collaboration with our team, we work together to create a customized, flexible quit plan tailored to help you reach your goals.
Through one-on-one counselling, we focus on:
- barriers to quitting
- behavioural strategies to cope with triggers
- relapse prevention
- pharmacotherapy options
- nicotine replacement therapy
- maintaining a smoke-free status
Counselling can be provided in-person or over the phone.
Nordic Walking Program
Nordic walking (aka urban poling) combines an upper body technique similar to cross country skiing with a lower body technique of regular walking. Nordic walking has toning, calorie burning and posture benefits that have made this workout popular in Europe for decades.
The program is led by a Registered Nurse & a Respiratory Therapist from the family health team. The program runs twice weekly for 6 weeks at an offsite location. Each session will run approx. 1 hr in length. Participants will be taught how to use the walking poles, stretches for pre & post walking, and have the opportunity to walk as a group. Participants will need to pre-register for the program to ensure enough poles are available and appropriate screening and waivers have been completed. Patients can be referred by any of their healthcare providers within Alliston FHT.
This is a great opportunity for our patients to improve their activity level while being monitored by a registered health professional in a group setting.
Chronic Disease Management Program (RN led program)
- Description – Care coordination of patients with chronic disease. Provide intense follow up of recently discharged patients with chronic diseases.
- Objectives – Ensure accessible care for all patients living with chronic disease, including clinic visits, home visits, telephone consults. Facilitate appropriate care providers. Provide/coordinate family/caregiver support to maintain patient’s health in desired location.
- Eligibility criteria – Disease management program – Patients < 75 years with chronic conditions who are at risk of admission to hospital.
Geriatric Program (RN led program)
- Description – Provide support to at risk seniors through system navigation. Early identification, treatment and care coordination of patients with cognitive impairment.
- Objectives – Improved care coordination. Promote quality patient care and safety in the community
- Eligibility criteria – Patients > 65 years with established or possible diagnosis of dementia. Frail elderly in need of support.
Diabetes Program (Interprofessional team program)
- Description – Improve health and well being of diabetic patients through regular monitoring. Provide DM education.
- Objectives – Improve patient self-management skills. Promote family participation re diet and activity. Improve HbA1C control.
- Eligibility criteria – Patients > 17 years of age with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
Mindfulness (SW led program)
- Description – Provide a 7-session mental health workshop focusing on Mindfulness techniques
- Objectives – Reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. Improve quality of life. Better coping skills for self- management.
- Eligibility criteria – Patient exhibiting mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety, depression, chronic pain or stress.
Depression (SW led program)
- Description – Provide a 10-session mental health workshop focusing on depression.
- Objectives – Reduce severity of symptoms of depression. Reduce number of depressive episodes. Improve quality of life. Improve coping skills for self- management.
- Eligibility criteria – Patients exhibiting mild to moderate symptoms of depression.
Mental Health Services (SW led program)
Preventative Care (admin led program)
- Description – Patients are contacted for prev care (Paps, Mammograms, FIT testing). Booked with NP as needed.
- Objectives – Provide preventative care for all AFHT patients
- Eligibility criteria – patients who meet criteria for preventative care as per Ministry guidelines
Breastfeeding Program (RN led)
- Description – Provide breastfeeding support to women and their partners within our community. Health education and promotion to support health growth and development of infants
- Objectives – Improve the health and development of infants through ideal nutrition
- Encourage and enhance breastfeeding through support to nursing mothers, their partners, and infants.
- Eligibility criteria – Childbearing women and their partners